Saturday, October 31, 2015

Web Performance - Case for HTTP/2 with Andy Davies


Interesting meetup :

Not really me area of experteasse but still intersting.

Andy Davies covered many of the topics in 

Software Engineering Radio Episode 232: Mark Nottingham on HTTP/2 


Web Performance - Case for HTTP/2 with Andy Davies

1999 RFC2126 HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.x doesn't use the network efficiently
- good for transfering large files
- but most webpages are made up of lots of small sessiom
- each TCP connection only supports one request at a time
- HTTP Pipeline
- splitting resources over mulitiple hosts (e.g.
- headers sent on every request ... Mark Nottingham found huge duplication of content (200K of cookies with every page load .. big UK online retailer)
- reduce requests ... CSS and JavaScripts bundles,
      image sprites : browser has to decode whole image (expensive on smaller mobiles)
- use gulp or grunt to automate working around limitations for http/1.x

- test with image of little sqaure iimages ... skewed to show http2 strenght

- header frame and data frames
- insanely complex 'prioritse weights and dependencies'
- headers deduplicates into a dictionary
- long latency test (ireland-singapore) http 2 wins ...
- but only benefit for low latency test is security (over tls)
- what happens if you have packet loss (over a session on a single connection)

- server push ... currently we have "network idle" time while the "server builds page"
  - now push critical css

 John Mellor (Google)
 - parallel image loading looks good after 15% and very good at 25%
 - do people dislike partial imaging loading (needs bigger study)

 Good browser support for http2
 - especially firefox and chrome

 Limited server for http2
 - h2o server
 - nginx should have something later this year
 - http2 killing off apache? nope http2 code is now being ported
 - haproxy doesn't support http2 yet

 Problems with SPDY
 - issues with priotisation rules not being

 - japanese buid tool for checking if the

 - interactive consul for debug
 - tricky to use

 reducing sharding
 - two shard domains but usingn a single tcp connection

 3rd parties still growing
  - ab test
  - advertising
  - tag management

 w3c resource hints <link ref='...'>
 - dns-prefetch (all browsers already provide this)
 - preconnet (chrome only at the moment)
 - preload

 - chrome dev tools .. network testimh
 - webpagetest .. firefox identifies resources correctly (unlike chrome)

 f5, acmi, iss

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