Saturday, October 31, 2015

MariaDB meetup at eBay (Oct 2015)

MariaDB Ab (Oct 2015 - eBay)


  • A lagre number of MariaDB developers and engineers (including Monty)
  • Big MariaDB gathering at the this week
  • I've never attended a meetup before with 16 presentation in one evening ;)
  • Lots of interesting developments, the introduction of histograms was particularly interesting

Notes from various presentors

1) Rasmus
MariaDB, MariaDB Galeria, MaxScale << key products with multiple releases per year << nearly 10,000 issues
Weekly sprint ... finish every Tues at 4pm (Swedish Time)  / 3 pm Nederlands ... weekly call

2) Daniel Batholomew ... release manager
MariaDB tree on github
Buildbot ... test and re-test
Sergei Golubchik (Chef Architect) raises JIRA for actual releases
Push to mirrors into US (Origean) and Europe (Netherlands)
Anouncement to world via normal geek social networks: google+ group ...

3) Sergei Golubchik (Chef Architect)
Data Encryption at Rest
Encrypting keys?
What is encrypted: tablespace, logs, temp/swap?
encryption plugins - file_key_management plugins, simple APIs?

Apropos ... XtraDB/InnoDB 'page compression' and 'data scrubbing'

Benchmark ... ro (order of 1% slower), rw/filesort (order of 10% slower), bin log encryption (< 4%)
temp files (ie sorts) are only encrypted if they are written to disc

5) Sergei Pertunia
optimizing troubleshooting
- EXPLAIN you query .. are the stats true, where is the time spent
- slow query log ... rows_examined
- PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA .. table_io_waits_summary_by_table

- ANALYZE ... optimize the query and trace the execution
 rows (estimate) vs r_rows (real)
 filters (estimate) vs r_filter (real) e.g. do we expect to 50% or 5% or rows to match

- EXPLAIN/ANALYZE FORMAT=JSON ... both look hard to read compared to
r_total_time_ms, r_buffer_size

6) Colin Charles
- PAM AUTHENTICATION (Google authenication on phone?)
- Password validation << cracklib_password
- Server_audit << required by regulator
- query_cache_info <<
- information_schema.query_response_time << distro reponse time bar/count chart

7) Otto Kekalainen
- passwordless authentication
- pain with automation
- /etc/mysql/debian.cnf << clear text root password !?
- unix_socket to the rescue
- ONLY debian/ubuntu NOT ON Centos/RPM

8) Alexander Barkov
- old library - Henr Spencer?
- modern PCRE (MCDEV-4424)  ... google summer or code?
- several new REGEX functions: REGEX_INSTR, REGEX_REPLACE
- performance questions? the new library is generally faster

9) Jan Lindstrom
- InnoDB in MariaDB 10.1 (both XtraDB from Percona + InnoDB Oracle)
- Galera integration
  - wsrep_on=1 and speciy library
- Page compesssion for SSD
  - innodb-file-format=Barracuda
  - punch whole
  - create table t1(...) page_compressed=1;
  - zip, lz4, lzo, bzip2, snappy
 - remove duplicate are removed from page
 - too empty pages are merged
 - does not return totally empty pages

10) Massimiliano Pinto - What is MaxScale?
 Classic proxy between db server and the client
 Key Parts: Router, Montior, Protocol, Authentication, Filters
 Bin Log Router via MaxScale:
    offload network load from master
    easier to promote a new master
       the remaining slaves are unaffected as they are still interfacing with maxscale
      events written to local binlog before distributing << 'this is important' (although not sure why?)
 Enhancements/bugs/projects recorded under :
 Semi-sync to be added to MaxScale (in the future)

11) ??? MariaBD java connector - failover handling
 driver initialization to include failover details
 transparent to application ie query execution
 how it works depends on : (a) galera cluster or (b) classic master-slaves
 examples of connection details for (a) classic java and (b) spring framework
 fail slave
  - database ping
  - blacklist ... don't use slace
 fail master
  - database ping
  - blacklist
  - connect to another master (if possible)
  - if unsure if the query has been excuted then raise an Exception
  connection pool:
  - initialise
  - validate

12) Daniel (no slide)
 - community member
 - system-d patches
 - in 10.1 proper system-d support, with notify handling
 - in theory don't need mysqld-safe anymore
 - galeria and system-d ... specifying initial primary at startup?
 - socket activation ... provide the ability over multiple interfaces

13) Axel Schwenke - Performance Engineer
 - Using Compiler Profiling
 - modern CPU's use a pipeline
 - CPUs very than memory access
 - optimized for linear exeecution pattern (not branching)
 - superscaler architecture, branch prediction, speculative execution
 - attributes/hints for the compiler: this is LIKELY branch or UNLIKELY branch
 - gcc -fprofile-generate << record how often a function is calls >> when you have an instrumented binary
 - gcc -fprofile-use << recompile the biary using collected profiles
 - this two phase compile with instrumented binary can be automated
 - pain points:
   - does your workload match the enduser workloads
   - good results with standard benchmark tools (10% to 15%) .. less good with enduser tests (? %)
 - in most case the error checking branches don get executed so don't need to be in the linear
 - in theory it can performance worse (e.g. lots of errors in code / error paths) ... could performance worse but they never seen this

14) MariaDB in Docker (
- existing images issues : root password as an environment variable
   - linked containers have access
   - container metadata
- 3 volumes
 - data directory on faster storage
 - unix socket
 - load data
- helper scripts
 - UID and GID of mysql user ... easy chmod

15) Sergiu Petrunia
- Engine Independent Table Statistics (EITS)
- Traditonal Mysql: (1) #row,  (2) #rows in index range, (3) 'index statistic' (imprecise)
   some issues
   - index statistic (imprecise)
   - not enought stats
   - joins needs column statistics (join order on customer on supplier with moderate complicate where rules)
- Histograms (CBO)
- Engineer Independent ... beyond the scope of talk
- mysql.column_stats

set histogram_200; set use_stat_tables='preferably'; analyze table lineitem, orders
- hieght  and width bal

16) Monty Q&A
- instance upgrades for mariadb?
- atomic writes standard for modern SSD (not just fusionIO)
- one disc seek is now 100 execution of the
- 10.2 tuning optimizing paremeter for hardware like gather system stats on oracle
- pluigns are potentially ... could they be sansitized by using a seperate namespace
- hybrid storage, for example : 0.5 T RAM, 100T of SSD and the rest on Spinning Disk
    zfs has this sort of storage model built in?
    working on a prototype with ScanDisc
    memory mapping can handle 'atomic writes'?
    no easy APIs exist at the moment for this sort of call ... Monty is working with vendors
- ScaleDB good for parallel execution... MariaDB looking to leverage this sort of technology

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