Monday, March 23, 2015

HammerDB setup issues - and x11 fonts

A couple of problems (missing x11 libraries and fonts) when installing HammerDB to test my Oracle 12c Centos 6 / RHEL 6 server i.e. not really setup with GUI access in mind.

I setup x11 forwarding and tested in via xclock first.

My first hammerdb error was

[oracle@ora12c66 hammerora-2.6]$ ./hammerora.tcl
wish8.5: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I got passed this error by installing

sudo yum install libXScrnSaver

The next problem was

[oracle@ora12c66 hammerora-2.6]$ ./hammerora.tcl
Error in startup script: failed to allocate font due to internal system font engine problem
   (default value for "-font" in widget ".title")
   invoked from within
"label .title -text " Hammerora v2.6 by "  -font $mid  -bg $gbg  -fg red3  -padx 0"
   (in namespace eval "::LoadingProgressMeter" script line 481)
   invoked from within
"namespace eval LoadingProgressMeter {
   set max 14

   wm title            . "Loading Hammerora"
   wm protocol         . WM_DELETE_WINDOW {#Do no..."
   (file "./hammerora.tcl" line 53)

I got passed this by installing:

sudo yum install xorg-x11-fonts*

and voila … I am into the HammerDB GUI :)


  1. Thank you very much for posting this. It saved me a bunch of time and worked like you said. This should be informed to HammerDB folks as well to add it in thier documentation.

  2. awesome. thanks.. worked for me too.

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